My analyst once said, don’t expect Saatchi to walk through the door and a friend nominated me for artes mundi (and the turner prize would do!). I’ve turned time with lovely Ruth into jouissance and and video called noise and this can be an iPhone piece.


I read some things quickly and psychoanalysis takes time. I want to fix a moment between lalangue and fantasy and take my pick. Fantasy was unspeakable once upon a time. It led to performance and having to perform and misadventure ran into wordless stories and what I first called beach notes.

Let’s say, it's a line and the only one I have.


It includes re-vision or looking again and again. It’s Lacan’s gaze or someone else looking back. The work of art is personal, not just discursive.


I'll come up with an introduction on top of introductory notes... a chat up line and extending website piece.


First, a premise.

Getting out of here has to do with imponderable problems. It’s turning the work into an alibi. No longer having to work or keeping up with Freud’s drive.

It’s moving digital time around and being in one place long enough to make iPhone notes.

Christopher Sands, still, 25 July, 2015

Having spent too long coming up with a book size text called talking, these are opening lines of a new text that already exists in some form. It’s an  exception here, reworking websites once again.


Christopher Sands, still, 7 May 2013


I almost like what there is of noise or it’s something to do with the expression, what there is. Today, all about lying perfectly still... climbing and jumping over the fence next to the overgrown fly tip.

Also, wondering where a nom de plume comes in...

and having to find Chantal Ackerman eventually.


At some point, new clips undo standstill routines... and stampede and standstill were video moments in 2014.

I’ve gone somewhere for lunch twice this week

and it's the end of time at home just writing


I’m unseen and unheard and the two merge in digital times. With the text called talking, there’s disappearing in a hospital isolation cubicle, beach notes and ancient cattle tracks.

They turn into an Italianate painting from the seventeenth century and I must be there somewhere.

When (what Lacan calls) lalangue turns into fantasy, I struggle with sentences, conceptual art and digital irrelevance. I’m here and not here and choosing what to do begins with video. I look behind my father’s watery horizon or screen and find an addictive iPhone. But can't move passed Walter Benjamin’s reinvented flaneur in digital times...

... looking for a sponsor or collective.


At some point, there’s an introduction, but no story at the beginning of slippery structures. Reference to time travel is reference to sentences that curl and unfold slowly.

I did go for a walk today, coming across something I hadn’t see before.

(8 August 2020)

Christopher Sands, still, 26 August 2021